Meet Dawud, Software Development Intern

Meet Dawud Sharrieff, one of our software development interns.

Dawud’s personal experiences inspired him to pursue a Rehabilitation Engineering major at Cleveland State University: “For as long as I could remember, I knew I wanted to bring or restore ability to those who have limited physical ability. You could say I have somewhat of a personal investment in this mission, having been born with cerebral palsy. My spark and motivation: To give people, and especially kids, a better quality of life through research and development of advanced technology/devices.”

At Augment Therapy, he is responsible for testing the product for effectiveness. Additionally, he is currently developing 3D Avatars, which represent the wide range of body types of people with disabilities.

As part of his testing duties, Dawud gets to spend lots of time playing all the Augment Therapy exercises and games. His favorite are the apps’ “open-world” free play games because “they incorporate many exercises in one platform in a way users may not be aware of while playing or going through the activities.”


AR’s Accessibility for Children with Disabilities


Health Systems Plan for Additional Digital Health Investment